Introducing ZUCZUG Bazaar and ZUCZUG Flat Designed by Sò Studio

Conveying the brand's character and narrative while seeking breakthroughs through a spatial design language, the full integration of aesthetics and commercial retail functions have been achieved. Sò Studio also echoes ZUCZUG's philosophy of continuously providing customers with high-quality products and strengthening ZUCZUG's "equality" and basic concepts of "life and imagination" to present a relaxed and interesting attitude towards life for all the patrons

Envisioned by Sò Studio and inspired by the Open Market, ZUCZUG Bazaar not only serves as an extension of the wardrobe, but also presents the assembly store as a public space, filled with freedom, openness, diversity, and the joy of treasure hunting. ZUCZUG Flat simulates a woman’s wardrobe and employs the cloakroom as the theme to collect the beauty in daily life, making customers feel as comfortable as if in their own apartment.

01 ZUCZUG Bazaar Xiamen

Bazaar, also known as the market, is the earliest comprehensive shopping place in human society. Divergent products are scattered throughout various stalls, equally open to everyone.

By traversing in the store, one can enjoy the shopping process accompanied by activities such as wandering, and socializing with others while the items obtained are used for daily life. Even today, when the shopping mall experience is well established, the experience of visiting the market is still irreplaceable and has developed into a more extensive form - commercial space. Entering the dazzling entrance, one can discover that the 180-square-meters space encompasses seven different stylish brands under ZUCZUG, which were arranged independently while corresponding with each other. 


Structure creativity to connect people with the market closer

The thoughts behind market space are not only based on the designer's solid academic accumulation in architecture and design, but also inspired by the designer's personal observation and experience of urban public spaces. Passionate about travel and architecture, countries such as Italy and Thailand enabled the chief designer to feel the infinity of semi-open markets and their energy. Seeing the markets along the Seine River using freely retractable boxes as the main structure of the stalls and the markets in Mexico retaining the traces of construction and using wood and metal as the main building materials, all these aspects provided nutrients for the innovative design of ZUCZUG Bazaar.


Mosaic: Part and whole jigsaw puzzle

How does color play a role in dividing space? The designer draws the mosaic picture through calculation and assembly. From the welcoming mosaic "come in" at the entrance, the bright yellow mosaic island platform, to the green mosaic walls distributed in the An Ko Rau area, as well as the iconic mosaic smiling faces and mosaic shaped display platforms, the colours complete the entire space with a three-dimensional graphic identity. It seems to be also announcing the lifestyle emphasized by ZUCZUG Bazaar - lively and interesting.


When the lamp is hidden in the light

If architecture is a living space, then light is the flowing blood. Between light and darkness, hiding and revealing, closing and releasing, light gives the space emotional weaves, either calmness or flow. It embraces everything in the space and dissolves between structures.

In the invisible space of the lamp, the light does not disappear, bringing light to the space. Even without the presence of lights, it can create a dazzling entrance. When the light appears, the attention of one's eyes are also drawn. Flexible spotlights are embedded into the track, ensuring that the display of commodities is always under the spotlight. Wandering around ZUCZUG Bazaar, one can feel the light as an invisible design, constantly embellishing a relaxed and joyful spatial atmosphere.

02  ZUCZUG Flat Shanghai

ZUCZUG Flat is a new type of assembly store that provides various products including clothing and accessories which enrich daily life. Brands include ZUCZUG 4M36, Klee Klee, An Ko Rau, ZUCZUG, WHM, Kwanyza, Usually Dream, etc.


A shopping experience casting a comfortable apartment feeling

Flat means "apartment" and "equality". The apartment is the fundamental space of everyday life while the flat also has the concept of fairness and equality. Through the simulation of a woman's wardrobe, there’s an exploration of the dual meanings of flat, and the needs of people, Sò Studio uses the cloakroom, unlike a traditional shop, as the design theme to show the fascinating and beautiful items found and collected in daily life to express the joyful storage methods and relaxing and free lifestyle.

Sò Studio outlines the dedicated display space such as the hanging area, stacking area, and accessories area through rational design of the space. It makes full use of every corner of the space to provide a spatial layout with a clear functional layout and good accessibility, which shows the ideal cloakroom type.


Transforming daily necessities with fun

Every design detail in the simple and elegant layout such as the flexible wooden furniture and accessories, a louver-inspired cabinet, and "working lamp" fixed on the ceiling conveys a sense of comfort and serenity, as well as reflects "flat owner's" sense of discovering more fun aspects with life.


Customized panel system: modular hanging system

Sò Studio customized two overall systems for the flat store. The first system transforms the louver blades into a modular hanging panel system applied to the central island cabinet and facade. The modular hanging panel system enables each panel to change independently into a plain board, clothes hanging rod, layer board, hanging rope, sliding door, etc.


Customized panel system: metal plate buckle system

The second system is a specially designed metal plate buckle system that fully demonstrates the free and unique aspects, as well as the user experience. The system can be replaced according to different scenarios and requirements, which is applied in the store entrance, display window and fitting room.

Through interior design, Sò Studio aspires to respond with ZUCZUG's concept of constantly providing high-quality goods for life and strengthen the value of "flat" and the concept of "life and imagination" endowed in the brand, to convey a relaxed and joyful attitude to life.

"Architectural design is a kind of creation from scratch which creates a new spatial experience through insights into people and life."

For Sò Studio, every piece of design is to start a new narrative and re-write the story of the space while not defining its style, nor be limited by style. Architecture is also a container for life. Good architecture always cares about the inner needs of its users. As the contact between people and space, people and people, and people with the outdoors becomes more difficult, we also need comprehensive commercial spaces like markets to create more diverse experiences.

Words: Sphere Editorial
Photos: Minjie Wang (ZUCZUG BAZAAR); Wen Studio (ZUCZUG FLAT)
Published on May 28, 2024