Hauser & Wirth參與2024年Frieze Seoul弗里茲首爾藝博會,展期由2024年9月4日至7日

呈獻Rita Ackermann、Ambera Wellmann、Catherine Goodman、Glenn Ligon、Angel Otero、Avery Singer,及Flora Yukhnovich新作

Hauser & Wirth回歸Frieze Seoul弗里茲首爾藝博會,在2024年9月4日至7日期間在首爾COEX Hall C舉行,展出的藝術家中多位於2024年舉辦重要美術館及機構展覽:韓國——Nicolas Party,湖巖美術館 ( Ho-Am Art Museum)、Ambera Wellmann,光州雙年展 (Gwangju Biannale);日本——Louise Bourgeois,東京森美術館 (Mori Art Museum);以及德國——Mark Bradford,柏林漢堡車站美術館 (Hamburger Bahnhof)。

Flora Yukhnovich
Oil on paper
15 x 20 cm / 5 7/8 x 7 7/8 in
25.3 x 31.3 x 4 cm / 10 x 12 3/8 x 1 5/8 in (framed)
© Flora Yukhnovich     
Courtesy the artist, Hauser & Wirth and Victoria Miro
Frank Bowling 
Triangular Blue & Pinky
Acrylic and acrylic gel on canvas with marouflage
185.8 x 158 x 4.2 cm / 73 1/8 x 62 1/4 x 1 5/8 in
© Frank Bowling. 
All Rights Reserved, DACS 2024
Courtesy the artist and Hauser & Wirth
Catherine Goodman 
Mise En Scène
Oil on linen
164.3 x 132.5 x 2 cm / 64 5/8 x 52 1/8 x 3/4 in
167 x 135.5 x 5.5 cm / 65 3/4 x 53 3/8 x 2 1/8 in (framed)
© Catherine Goodman              
Courtesy the artist and Hauser & Wirth
Photo: Eva Herzog

展位帶來Rita Ackermann、Louise Bourgeois、Frank Bowling、Mark Bradford、Catherine Goodman、Jenny Holzer、Roni Horn、Luchita Hurtado、Glenn Ligon、Paul McCarthy、Angel Otero、Nicolas Party、Avery Singer、Anj Smith、Pat Steir、Henry Taylor、Keith Tyson、Ambera Wellmann及Flora Yukhnovich的精彩作品,展現畫廊跨代際藝術項目的廣度與深度。

Jenny Holzer 
Border Barrier
24k gold and moon gold leaf and oil on linen
61 x 46.4 x 3.8 cm / 24 x 18 1/4 x 1 1/2 in
© (2024) Jenny Holzer, member Artists Rights Society (ARS), NY 
Courtesy the artist and Hauser & Wirth
Photo: Sveva Costa Sanseverino
Paul McCarthy 
DD #2 Pale Blue
61 x 61 x 61 cm / 24 x 24 x 24 in
© Paul McCarthy           
Courtesy the artist and Hauser & Wirth
Photo: Fredrik Nilsen
Angel Otero 
Jolly Roger
Oil paint and fabric collaged on canvas
242.9 x 242.9 x 3.8 cm / 95 5/8 x 95 5/8 x 1 1/2 in
244.8 x 244.8 x 6.4 cm / 96 3/8 x 96 3/8 x 2 1/2 in (framed)
© Angel Otero                  
Courtesy the artist and Hauser & Wirth
Photo: Thomas Barratt


  • Avery Singer的新作《自由落體》(Free Fall,2024),捕捉藝術家的動態視覺修辭。Singer採用計算機程序的二進制語言和工業材料,與繪畫傳統和現代主義遺產進行交互。作品標題「自由落體」體現藝術家的個人感悟,Singer在青少年時期親眼目睹紐約9/11恐怖襲擊,這一創傷經歷為作品注入自傳色彩。
Avery Singer
Free Fall
Acrylic on canvas stretched over aluminum panel
140.3 x 153 x 5.4 cm / 55 1/4 x 60 1/4 x 2 1/8 in
© Avery Singer                 
Courtesy the artist and Hauser & Wirth
Photo: Sarah Muehlbauer
  • 《透明百葉窗》(Transparent Shutters,2024)為Rita Ackermann最新作品系列的傑出範例。藝術家通過堆疊與消除層疊的具象圖像和勢態筆觸,創作出質感豐富、飽含能量與動感的畫面。作品似乎游離於不斷形成與重塑的狀態中,各種形狀與人物甫被識別即走向消融。
Rita Ackermann 
Transparent Shutters
Graphite, oil and acrylic on canvas
234.3 x 219.1 x 3.5 cm / 92 1/4 x 86 1/4 x 1 3/8 in
236.5 x 221.5 x 6.4 cm / 93 1/8 x 87 1/4 x 2 1/2 in (framed)
© Rita Ackermann        
Courtesy the artist and Hauser & Wirth
Photo: Sarah Muehlbauer

展位呈獻於2024年推出重要美術館展覽及機構項目的藝術家作品,包括即將於韓國湖巖美術館亮相的Nicolas Party、參展光州雙年展的Ambera Wellmann;以及於德國柏林漢堡車站美術館舉辦個展的Mark Bradford。

Nicolas Party
Triptych with Red Forest
Oil on copper and oil on wood
Open: 31 x 49 x 6.5 cm / 12 3/16 x 19 5/16 x 2 9/16 in
Closed: 31 x 24 x 8.3 cm / 12 3/16 x 9 7/16 x 3 1/4 in
Plinth: 110 x 60 x 25 cm / 43 1/4 x 23 5/8 x 9 7/8 in
© Nicolas Party              
Courtesy the artist & Hauser & Wirth
Photo: Adam Reich

與Louise Bourgeois在日本東京森美術館的展覽交相輝映,藝術家卓越非凡的晚期力作《女人》(Femme,2003)反映對生命循環的持續關注:出生與死亡、成長與衰敗的兩極性,以及她在現實中歷經聚散變遷的不安。

Louise Bourgeois 
Fabric and marble
101.6 x 62.2 x 46.9 cm / 40 x 24 1/2 x 18 1/2 in
Marble with puppet: 15.2 × 47 × 31.8 cm / 6 × 18 1/2 × 12 1/2 in
© The Easton Foundation/VAGA at ARS, NY                 
Courtesy the Foundation and Hauser & Wirth
Photo: South Ho

更多展位亮點涵括Henry Taylor的畫作《藍色時期》(Blue Period,2023),堪稱其卓越繪畫歷程的集大成之作。Taylor根據報紙上的無名肖像描繪畫中人,頌揚黑人文化與歷史。如標題所示,這幅作品援引了藝壇巨擘巴畢加索傳奇的「藍色時期」(1901-1904)。

Henry Taylor 
Blue Period
Acrylic on canvas
183.5 x 152.4 x 7.6 cm / 72 1/4 x 60 x 3 in
© Henry Taylor                 
Courtesy the artist and Hauser & Wirth
Photo: Jeff McLane
Words: Sphere Editorial
Published on September 04, 2024