Shen Chao Liang, STAGE#2, 2008, C-print, 74 x 89 cm. Courtesy of the artist and Avocado Art Lab
Dai Ying, Temple, 2020, marble, printmaking paper, galvanized iron sheet, 600 x 600 x 500 cm. Courtesy of the artist and Yiwei Gallery
Art Central展會總監Corey Andrew Barr稱:「Art Central 進入第十屆,將帶來卓越的畫廊和項目陣容,重申香港在亞太地區作為文化樞紐的關鍵角色。隨著引入新畫廊專題,展會進一步拓寬了策展視野,透過與不同背景及年代的藝術家之間的積極聯繫,培養嶄新視角。這屆展覽具里程碑式意義,我們有信心為收藏家、策展人和藝術愛好者提供多樣的文化體驗,讓每位訪客暢遊在當代藝術的無窮潛力中獲得靈感和啟蒙。」
Atticus Gordon, Landscape, 2024, oil on panel, 9 x 12''. Courtesy of the artist and Ivory Gate Gallery
Chou Ching Hui, Animal Farm No.5, 2014, inkjet print, 127.2 x 161.5 cm. Courtesy of the artist and Avocado Art Lab
Art Central 2025將匯聚來自亞洲及全球的超過100間畫廊,展出500位藝術家的傑作,致力於促進亞洲藝術生態的發展。這裡不僅有知名畫廊的作品,還包括年輕畫廊及新生代藝術家的創作,展現多元化的藝術視野。展會作為香港藝術月的必訪之地,將透過互動交流激發創意,為每位參觀者帶來充滿活力的文化體驗。
Lo Sheng-Wen, Diergaarde Blijdorp Rotterdam, The Netherlands (2016), 2016, Inkjet Print, 80 x 100 cm. Courtesy of the artist and Avocado Art Lab
Dai Ying, M-Theory 61, 2024, Chinese pigments, Japanese pigments, acrylic, colored pencil on Xuan paper, 30 x 48.5 x 4 cm. Courtesy of the artist and Yiwei Gallery
Dean-E Mei, Taiwan Cola, 2009, digital print on photo paper, 90 x 130 cm. Courtesy of the artist and Astar Gallery